April 2015 Meeting Minutes

The Greenwood Lake Commission 4.22.2015 132 WindermereAve Village of Greenwood Lake, NY 10925

Salute to the American Flag

George Vurno led the Salute to the Flag.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm. George Vurno, Paul Zarrillo, Paul Sullivan, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Dan Bello, Martin Brand, Bill Link, and Dale VanNimwegen were present. Ed Krull was absent.

Special Guests included Mayor Jesse Dwyer of the village of Greenwood Lake, and Keith Garley the newly elected Village Judge for the Village of Greenwood Lake.


George Vurno had sent two letters out since the Commission's last meeting. The first letter was to Allied Biological concerning the water chestnuts in the far north arm of Greenwood Lake, and asked for a meeting to discuss the feasibility and cost of removing them from the lake.

George Vurno also sent a letter to the Town Administrator of Warwick regarding their yearly appropriation of funds to the Commission. The Commission had not received funds since 2013, and we requested that Warwick contribute the funds which they regularly appropriate.


Resolution: Payment of Bills, March 2015

Motioned by: Paul Sullivan Seconded: Clint Smith Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X

George Vurno Co-Chair X

Paul Sullivan X

Clint Smith X

Bill Link X

Dale VanNimwegen X

Ed Krull

Floyd DeAngelo X

Eric Hastings X



Treasurer's Report

Dale VanNimwegen gave the Treasurer's Report. Dale stated that work is still being done to catch up with our past records and reported that progress was being made. Dale also asked for input regarding bills and costs incurred regularly by the Commission and presented a spread sheet with known expenses. Paul mentioned that the cost for the insurance would be around $7500 and that we will continue to seek a rent free office space. Paul also said that the budgets presented by Dale at the previous 2 meetings have been an exceptional help for the Commission. Paul then asked for a vote to approve the minutes from the last meeting.

Resolution: Approval of Minutes for Commission meeting in March, 2015 Motioned by: Dale VanNimwegen Seconded: Paul Sullivan

Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X

George Vurno Co-Chair X

Paul Sullivan X

Clint Smith X

Bill Link X

Dale Van Nimwegen X

Ed Krull

Floyd DeAngelo X

Eric Hastings X



The parts for the weed harvester which was stored at Awosting Lake are for the most part accounted for, although several parts are still being retrieved, there are plans to hand over the remaining parts.

The Commission has received a check from the County of Passaic, NJ for $20,000 which was appropriated to us two months ago. The Commission expressed their appreciation for the county's support and is sending a formal letter of thanks. The Village of Greenwood Lake has also finalized a budget which includes funds to apply herbicides to the lake. Paul Zarrillo suggested that at the beginning of each year, the surrounding municipalities, county, and state government officials should receive a letter requesting funds for that calendar year. The Commission approved of the idea and plan to implement it January 1st.
Resolution: Creation of a several Committees which include Steering Committee, consisting of Paul Zarrillo, George Vurno, Dale Vannimwegen, Martin Brand, and Ed Krull. Finance, which consists of Dale VanNinwegen, Paul Sullivan, Eric Hastings, and Floyd Deangelo Community Outreach, which consists of Paul Zarrillo, Dale VanNinwegen, and Martin Brand Navigation, which consists of Bill Link and Clint Smith Land Use, which consists of Bill Link, and Floyd DeAngelo Enviornmental, which consists of Paul Sullivan, Martin Brand, Eric Hastings, and Clint Smith

Motioned by: Paul Sullivan Seconded: Clint Smith Name Yes No Abstained Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X

George Vurno Co-Chair X

Paul Sullivan X

Clint Smith X

Bill Link X

Dale VanNimwegen X

Ed Krull

Floyd DeAngelo X

Eric Hastings X



Several local colleges including Montclair and Drew University, have agreed to participate in studies in and around Greenwood Lake, as well as participate in removing invasive plant species such as the water chestnuts and fanwort in the extreme north end of Greenwood Lake. The Commission is also reaching out to the local New York Universities for the same.

The Commission has been aggressively advertising their boat class which is being held on May 17th at the West Milford Airport. Notifications have been sent to Passaic and Orange Counties, as well as the local municipalities. Flyers have also been sent to local boating and tackle stores.

Bill Link commented about the plan to have a drawdown on Greenwood Lake and said he did not approve of the plan, Paul Zarrillo jumped in by saying the subject will be discussed by the entire Commission once more info is gathered from the NYDEC and NJDEP regarding the drawdown and the logistics of the project. Bill Link also brought up water level in lake and how much water is being released as a concern and question as to why above minimum. After discussion, Dan Bello is going to take a look at the Lake Management Plan on file for Greenwood Lake. Martin Brand also thought it would be beneficial to organize and information session about the importance of the watershed and how local residents can help protect it.