March 2016 Meeting Minutes

Greenwood Lake Commission
1810 Macopin Road
West Milford NJ 07480
Salute to the American Flag

Paul Zarrillo led the Salute to the Flag.

The meeting was called to order at 7:12pm. Paul Zarrillo read aloud the Open Pubic Meetings Law and noted that we were in compliance. Paul Zarrillo then asked for roll call. Paul Zarrillo, Geroge Vurno, Clint Smith, Eric Hastings, Floyd DeAngelo, Paul Sullivan Dan Bello, Martin Brand, and Bill Link were present. Ed Krull and Dale VanNimwegen were absent.
Treasurer's Report
Dale VanNimwegen forwarded the Treasurer's Report for this meeting as she was unable to attend, see attached document below. Special comments Dale wanted to deliver to the Commission included news that the two bank accounts have been reconciled, and that she was scheduling a meeting with representatives from Albany to secure the remaining funds for the Morohan grant. Paul Zarrillo asked for a vote to approve the Treasurers report.

Resolution: Accept Treasurer's report and payment of bills
Motioned by: Eric Hastings
Seconded: Paul Zarrillo

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X
Paul Zarrillo then asked the Commission to approve the minutes for December and January. 2 grammatical changes were made at the meeting, Paul Zarrillo then asked for a vote.
Resolution: Approval of minutes from the December 2015 meeting.
Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: Eric Hastings

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

Resolution: Approval of minutes from the Jan. 2016 meeting.
Motioned by: Paul Sullivan
Seconded: Eric Hastings

Name Yes No Abstained
Paul Zarrillo Co-Chair X
George Vurno Co-Chair X
Paul Sullivan X
Clint Smith X
Bill Link X
Dale VanNimwegen
Ed Krull
Floyd DeAngelo X
Eric Hastings X

Commissioner Reports
Martin Brand
• Informed the Commission about some notices that needed to go out on the NY side of the lake for the blanket permit, and said the same would have to be done in NJ if a blanket permit was granted.
Dan Bello
• Reported that the Commission needed to write a letter to Eric Pain at the Ringwood State Park about the drawdown and the timeline for it.
Floyd DeAngelo
• Reported that he received an email from Assemblyman Brabenick about a line item in his budget that he believes was part of the Morohan Grant funds, but it was never appropriated to the GWLC. Floyd is following up to make sure we can acquire these funds.
Eric Hastings
• Reported that he spoke to Karen Dauphiniaus in Albany paperwork for the Morohan Grant, and is working with Dale to complete the process.
• Eric also reported that he removed 3 floating docks on the lake in the last two weeks that came loose from the shoreline. Clint suggested to work with West Milford to get a dumpster for extra debris that will be found during the drawdown.
• Eric also reported that he learned on a grant from the NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust that can be awarded to homeowners to repair their septic systems. He also said that this would justify the aerial infrared study, because some residents have trouble affording these repairs.
Clint Smith
• Clint referred to Andy Abdul from the West Milford Environmental Commission about water testing equipment the town was getting, and was following up with any Commissioners that wanted to learn how to use the equipment.
Paul Sullivan
• Paul reported that at the last Freeholder meeting in Passaic County, they voted to award the grant of $20,000 to the GWLC. Within a month the GWLC should have the check.